• Patch News Roundup: Jobs, After He Resigned

    A collection of Patch reporting that followed Jobs' Aug. 24 resignation as CEO of Apple. On August 24, the whole world was shocked by the resignation of Apple’s longtime CEO and founder Steve Jobs. The minute the news was announced, tweets began pouring in.

    Some were humorous: “The earthquake that just hit Cupertino measures an 8.3 on the Techmeme Scale,” tweeted @erikmal. Others were proud tributes: “He put Cupertino, CA, my hometown, on the map. #Cupertino #stevejobs,” saidTMFInsideValue .

    Soon after, Patch searched offline for Jobs’ impact. His humble Los Altos’ childhood homedrew tourists, reported Avni Nijhawan. Jobs’ stepmom, standing at the steps, called the resignation “very, very sad.”

    She also reached Apple co-founder, and Jobs’ childhood friend, Steve Wozniak at his Los Gatos home. There, the “Woz” described how they both operated on the same mental wave length, bounded by a search of meaning that stretched from the lyrics of Bob Dylan songs to the budding tech world. “Most people just dealt with dribble and the common, you know, celebrity-tabloid-type stuff that doesn’t really matter in the world,” he said. “And he was more interested in things that mattered in the world and so was I.”

    Fresh interest was drawn to old Apple artifacts. A tour of the Computer History Museum in Mountain View demonstrated that Jobs’ influence is everywhere, from micro-parts to across the world. The Stanford archives revealed the earliest traces of Apple, from letters Jobs’ exchanged with new colleagues in 1976. A 1995 Stanford commencement video spotlighted how Jobs found what he wanted to do early in life, and fiercely stuck with it.

    Lisen Stromberg of Palo Alto Patch reflected on the man who “isn’t just an icon” but also the neighborly man who lives down the street and remembered her name. “Earlier this year, when I saw Steve and his wife walking down our street holding hands, I knew something was different,” she wrote. “Now, so does the rest of the world.”


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